Sorry for the repeat request. I am simply trying to find out if anyone has experience with a Whale Watching boat that was larger or had more modern stablizers. I really would love to go Whale Watching but absolutely do not want to go through some of the experiences I have been reading about on TA regarding so much sea sickness. If you take a boat from a city other than Boston, to cut down the travel time, does that help?
Whale watching on larger boats
Travelfan - there%26#39;s no guaranteeing you won%26#39;t experience sea sickness - I have been on about a half-dozen whale watches - 5 out of P-town on large commerical whale-watch boats, and 1 on the West Coast out of Santa Barbara. My experience has ranged from absolutely no nausea to a ';gut-wrenching'; experience that made me vow never to return. I don%26#39;t think it makes any difference as to what city you leave from vis-a-vis travel time. If the sea is rough, you are likely to experience some form. I know that there are OTC remedies you can take to help control it, but I don%26#39;t think anyone can claim there is a sure-fire to avoid it.
Whale watching on larger boats
Well, my experience is that I go once almost every year out of Gloucester (Yankee Fleet, which doesn%26#39;t have huge boats) and there%26#39;e only been one time that there was enough wind to make it rough. I don%26#39;t have major problems with motion sickness, but the English Channel catamaran and the occasional amusement park ride has done it for me. The front of the whale-watching boat, which I like the best for viewing, was tossing a bit and I moved to the more stable back and was fine. You%26#39;re out there for the same time from any port, either getting to/from Stellwagen or moving around looking for whales once you get there. The thing would be to call and ask about wind conditions on a given day. The folks who run the boats would rather give you good info about this than clean up after a sick passenger. Do try it, though; a whale right next to you is the most amazing sight. You%26#39;ll never forget it.
The boats from Boston to P-town are pretty big. I don%26#39;t think you%26#39;ll find any bigger in New England. But any time you travel that far off shore, you risk motion sickness.
Thank you for all of your responses. I had been thinking about Gloucester but now I know that if we go at all, it will be from P-Town on one of the larger boats. I appreciate all of your input!
Before you trek all the way to P-town to whale watch, check the websites of the companies. Most have details like boat size. The boats I%26#39;ve been on out of P-town aren%26#39;t any bigger than those in Gloucester.
forgotmypword seems to be talking about the ferry from Boston to P-town, not whale watch boats.
Thanks for pointing this out to me. I%26#39;m starting to think that the weather and wind conditions have more of an influence than the boat since most seem to be fairly similar in size. Thank you again.
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