I%26#39;m heading out to the States on the 16th of June (flying into NYC) on a J-1 work visa, and I am planning to go to Cape Cod in search of work. Will be arriving in the Cape on the 18th of June.
I haven%26#39;t, however, got a job out there already, and I%26#39;m worried I%26#39;m going to struggle to get a job so late in the season.
Where should I head to first in search of work, Hyannis or P-town?
Also cheap rooms.. do they even exist on the Cape?
Am I too late?
You might find some information on this TA thread:
Also: try a search on the Cape Cod forum: ';summer jobs for students'; or some such and you might find more helpful info.
When I travel to Europe, I%26#39;m asked for the address of my lodging when I%26#39;m at the airport. How does it work, then, when you go through immigration in a U.S. airport? You need to have this all sorted before you arrive, correct?
Good luck with all this: Students love it here in the summer.
Am I too late?
oops! here%26#39;s page 1 of the same thread, I posted page 2 only the first time:
Hi Laura. I don%26#39;t know much about P-Town...but Hyannnis I know....even though this message is being typed from Malaysia (Hopefully THIS business trip will end soon...lOl). I think you will be OK finding work in Hyannis...even at this late date. From my discussions with my friends who own/manage the bars/restaurants in the area...mid June they are still looking to fill up their summer staffs. The ';season'; really doesn%26#39;t get rolling until the end June. I obviously don%26#39;t know what kind of work you will be looking for...but I think you will be OK. Some of the regular posters on this site are a bit biased against Hyannis...but it is the largest ';town'; on the Cape...and probably the most ';fun'; for someone single and young and looking for some craziness near a beach with a vibrant nightlife. May I suggest you read the posts here...and decide what you are really looking for...but I am psyched you are coming the to the Cape for the summer...and I am sure you won%26#39;t regret it. Safe travels!! Chip
I don%26#39;t think there%26#39;s any problem with finding work up here this summer; there are signs advertising for ';help wanted'; everywhere. Housing is a bit of a problem to find I think.
Affordable housing is probably available; does anyone know where?
Hyannis is a great place. (Main St. is especially fantastic).
';Hyannis is a great place. (Main St. is especially fantastic).';
Not when you work on Main St. and have to battle the traffic Monday through Friday.
It%26#39;s busy there, that%26#39;s for sure! I love Harry%26#39;s though and Ardeo isn%26#39;t too bad either!
A friend of mine who fairly recently died used to own Harry%26#39;s. The problem is trying to get to work after 9 a.m. I work on the road and it%26#39;s impossible to get there if I have an appointment first thing in the a.m., forget it if it%26#39;s raining.
I just heard on the radio this a.m. that the Cape is dying for workers. Good luck!
but where%26#39;s the affordable housing?
Don%26#39;t some of the bigger places on the Cape (like Stop and Shop, etc.) have group houses for employees? Not sure but you may have some luck with that.
There was a front page Boston Globe story yesterday about how the usual seasonal workers from Jamaica are not being allowed to return to the U.S. to work this year. It stinks for them (and for those of us who relied on them to make the Cape run in the summertime) but probably means you won%26#39;t have any trouble.
Good luck! And enjoy.
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