Looking for restaurant recommendations...North End, Quincy Market area, and Newbury street. Price doesn%26#39;t really matter...just good food! Lunch and dinner recommendations would be great!
La Summa and Giacomo%26#39;s in the North End. Stephanie%26#39;s on Newbury. Your on your own at Fanueil Hall/Quincy Market.
You may want to try a restaurant on Beacon Hill. Lala Rokh is great, so is the Paramount on Charles Street, and Bin Enoteca is quite nice too. I also like Scollay Square which is on Beacon Street.
A fun alternative is also Liberty Hotel. It used to be a jail and it is a really cool building. They have a restaurant upstairs and also a really nice bar downstairs with food as well, a bit more laid back than the upstairs one.
I%26#39;ll take the liberty to give you a link to my personal web site which has a listing of my favorite restaurants here:
If price is not a major consideration I would recommend Mamma Maria and Prezza in the North End. They are in a separate class above typical, red sauce fare. But, of course, if you%26#39;re craving red sauce, there%26#39;s nothing wrong with that either.
If you want good food, stay off of Newbury St.
On Boylston St. is Vlora, which is very good.
The Atlantic Fish Company is a good seafood place, also on Boylston.
I second the recommendations in the North End. Not far from Quincy Market/North End are Grotto, which is an excellent Italian place, and Pierrot Bistro, which is a very nice French Bistro on Cambridge St.
Here are a couple of good links:
I%26#39;m a big fan of Antico Forno (casual) and Monica%26#39;s (less casual) in the North End. The South End has a huge selection of restaurants. Sibling Rivalry is nice, and the Beehive (go downstairs) has a funky atmosphere. Red Addis (Ethiopian) and The Butcher Shop are also good choices (these last four are on the same block on Tremont St.)
When you say ';Newbury Street';, do you mean the stret itself or just the Back Bay in general?
I mostly agree that Newbury Street is not a good street for dining, with the exceptions of La Voile (very good French) and Tapeo (which I don%26#39;t love as much as othe people, but it%26#39;s generally a solid choice).
I meant Newbury St. My other suggestions were in Back Bay. But Newbury itself caters to tourists and the restaurants there are generally horrid.
Even the highly-vaunted La Voile...I have been wanting to try it, but I%26#39;ve been reading some awful reviews and ';downhill alerts'; about it on Chowhound. So, I%26#39;m not sure how well it%26#39;s held up.
Sorry, I was asking the OP whether or not restaurant choices should be limited to Newbury St itself or expanded into the Back Bay.
I agree with you about the street in general. It%26#39;s pretty and there are nice shops to go into, but as a dining destination, Newbury Street is really lacking.
I%26#39;m disappointed to hear La Voile might be taking a nosedive. I%26#39;ve been enjoying the influx of French places over the last couple of years.
I recommend Taranta in North End. A creative combination of Italian and Peruvian food, definitely try their seafood!
Wow! Thanks for the suggestions. Looking forward to trying the many restaurants.
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