Monday, December 12, 2011

Best After-Dark Transportation from South Station?

What%26#39;s the best way to get from South Station to the Financial District fairly late (10PM to midnight) on a weeknight?

I have reservations at the Hilton (Broad Street, Financial District), and my original idea was to take the T to State Street, and then walk the five blocks or so to the hotel. However, never having been to Boston before, I%26#39;m not sure this is the best idea. I%26#39;ve heard the Financial District is nearly empty at night (i.e., there are no crowds and, thus, there%26#39;s no safety in numbers).

Then I considered taking a taxi from South Station. However, I wouldn%26#39;t imagine there%26#39;d be many available after 10PM on a weeknight. Moreover, I%26#39;ve read reports that many cabbies will refuse to take passengers on %26#39;short%26#39; trips (i.e., the mile or so from South Station to the Hilton).

Do any of you have recommendations? Is the Financial District safe enough at night that a five-block stroll (with luggage in tow) wouldn%26#39;t be a significant crime risk? If, on the other hand, a cab is my best bet, will I have much trouble getting one at South Station after 10PM?

Thanks for your advice, everyone!

Best After-Dark Transportation from South Station?


Safety isn%26#39;t too much of a concern in the Financial District. It will be very quiet at that time of night, though. If that bothers you, you might want to consider the Taxi. I also think that having the luggage makes a Taxi more desirable as well.

You won%26#39;t have any trouble finding a taxi outside of South Station at that time of night, I%26#39;m sure. It%26#39;s a popular place and there is a taxi stand right there.

The Taxi drivers cannot turn down a fare for any reason, except if you are stumbling drunk, so you shouldn%26#39;t have a problem because it%26#39;s a short trip. Just tip him well afterwards.

Best After-Dark Transportation from South Station?

Actually, there are a good amount of bars there (especially State St to Broad) so it wouldn%26#39;t be desolate at all. You would be fine walking, if you didn%26#39;t mind schlepping your luggage around.

Why do you think there wouldn%26#39;t be any cabs outside the biggest train station in the city? 10-12 isn%26#39;t that late, even on a weeknight. You won%26#39;t have trouble finding one to take you to your hotel.

That%26#39;s not a bad area.. it%26#39;s empty but not known for crime. I%26#39;d just walk it from the closest T station. Be careful with State Street because there are many different exits in different places. South Station is simpler in that all the exits are in one general place and can be seen from one another. State Street, there are different exits (one may be closed after hours) but there are also annoyingly long tunels, which do freak me out late at night. I%26#39;d rather walk outside.

Thanks for the quick replies, everyone! It sounds as if there aren%26#39;t too many issues with either option (the T, or a cab). You%26#39;ve put to rest a couple nagging questions I%26#39;ve had, and I%26#39;m very grateful.

Chances are, if it isn%26#39;t raining, I%26#39;ll take the T, then walk to the hotel.

Thanks for sharing your %26#39;inside%26#39; knowledge. I definitely am looking forward to my first trip to Massachusetts!


It makes no sense to take the T to the Hilton/Financial District. You would have to take the Red line, make an awkward change to the Orange line (stairs) and when you got off at State, you would have another longish walk to the Hilton. All this with luggage? No way.

Take a cab if you are uncomfortable, but I would walk the half-mile or so to the hotel from So. Station. Just follow the Greenway north to Broad St, hang a left and the hotel is just up the street. You will pass the Federal Reserve tower, the Intercontinental Hotel and the Boston Harbor Hotel, all high-end properties that provide a safe and attractive route.


I agree with Bostonian in Exile,

Take a cab or just walk to the hotel. It does not make sense to take the T. It is quicker to walk than taking the Red line train, transferring from the Red line to the Orange line and to walk to your hotel than walking the half mile directly from South Station to the hotel. Later at night the trains run less frequently than during the day. If it is a warm summer night, more people should be out. Since it is late and you will have luggage just take a cab! But if you chose to walk then walk via the Boston Harbor Hotel as previously mentioned.

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